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Best Push Day Workout



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If you're looking for the best push day workout, look no further. This workout routine is designed to help you build strong, powerful muscles.

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It includes a variety of exercises that target the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

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And it can be easily tailored to your own fitness level, so you can make it as challenging as you want.

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The workout consists of three parts:
 Part 1:3x3 bench press
3x8 dumbbell rows
3x12 shoulder presses

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Part 2:
3x8 tricep pushdowns
3x8 bicep curls
3x12 overhead tricep extensions

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Part 3:
3x15 second plank
3x30 sit-ups
3x60 second wall sit
This workout is sure to leave you feeling sore the next day, 

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but it's also sure to give you the results you're looking for. So what are you waiting for? Get started with this push day workout and see the results for yourself.

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