How did Alec Baldwin lose weight?

By Bilal Dhudi

Date: 02-oct-22

Weight loss

Image: alecbaldwin/instagram

Alec Baldwin, who is known for his roles in "30 Rock" and "The Departed," recently lost 30 pounds.

Image: alecbaldwin/instagram

The actor said he was motivated to lose weight for his role in the upcoming film.

Image: alecbaldwin/instagram

Baldwin said he achieved his weight loss by eating a healthy diet and exercising together every day.

Image: alecbaldwin/instagram

He also gave up alcohol and cut down on his caffeine intake.

Image: alecbaldwin/instagram

Baldwin said he feels great and has more energy now that he's lost weight.

Image: alecbaldwin/instagram

If you're looking to lose weight, Baldwin's story is inspirational and shows that it is possible to achieve your goal if you're willing to make some lifestyle changes. 

Image: alecbaldwin/instagram

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